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catalogue – 43669
Until 01.01.2019 - Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

ISSN 2686-7206 (Print)

ISSN 2686-925X (Оnlinе)

Tovbin Kirill

Abstract: the article discusses and compares main current trends of the resistance to Modernity. The article contains ontological consideration of the problem, which contemporary sociology of religion characterizes as post-secularization, or re-secularization. It is the process of external resuscitation of traditional spirituality and archaic religiosity. Present galvanization of religion and tradition has three formats: traditionalism, religious fundamentalism, and conservatism. Despite the morphological proximity, these spiritual movements differ substantially; they have different goals and different forms of consciousness and mentality of their adherents. Based on the methodology of the Traditionalist school, the author compares these movements in relation to the main link of the domain – Tradition (Full, or Sacred Tradition, which is called by traditionalists from the capital letter; it is distinguished from the popular cliché of tradition as existing civilizational inertia). The semiotic similarity of tra-ditionalism, fundamentalism, and conservatism in opposing secularism is revealed, as well as fundamental differences in the perception of the structure of traditional spirituality. The place of three trends in post-religion viewed as simulative postmodern spirituality is considered. Such mental phenomena as fanaticism and utopianism are mentioned in the article.
Keywords: tradition, Modernity, post-modernity, traditionalism, conservatism, fundamentalism, pseudo-traditionalism, secularization, Sacred, spirituality.

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