Skorobogatskiy Vyacheslav
For more than thirty years, since the perestroika of the second half of the 1980s, attempts have been made in our country to solve a twofold task – to create an effective economy of a modern (market) type and to build a democratic, social, and legal state. As serious gaps between the goals set and the results achieved are revealed, nostalgia for the Soviet past, the myth of the Soviet as a lost paradise, is spreading more and more widely in society. The very transition from the past to the “new” present turned out to be chaotic and uncontrollable, with a palpable tendency to roll back and search for workarounds. The gaps in the development strategy are largely due to the state of Russian social science, the discrepancy between its empirical base and theoretical and methodological potential, and the historical tasks facing society and the state. Social science, which arose in the 19th century, fully assimilated the requirements that had developed in the course of the formation of classical science of the “science” type. The paradigm of science, formed in the second half of the 19th century based on Charles Darwin’s theory of biological evolution, includes an antiteleological attitude, the essence of which is the substantiation of the natural, stochastic nature of the historical process and the indirect recognition of anthropogenesis as a derivative, secondary aspect of the formation of the Big Society, crowned by the emergence of the state. Modern social science, remaining within the framework of the evolutionary paradigm and the basic provisions of the materialist understanding of history, is aloof from the real tasks facing society. As a way out of this state, the article discusses the transition to a new paradigm of scientific knowledge, which is formed on the basis of systemic, institutional, socio-cultural approaches, cybernetics, synergetics, etc. This transition, accompanied by the reworking and expansion of the empirical research base, updating the theoretical and methodological potential of social science and deconstructing the ideological myth about the USSR, can create the necessary conditions for a theoretically correct formulation of the issue on the historical fate of theSoviet Union and its scientific solution.
Keywords: spirit of science, human subjectivity, paradigm of social science, revolution, evolution, antiteleological attitude, time in history, human liberation from the power of the past, reflex of freedom, ethical beginning of history